Name: Minayou
[Names are in Japanese format. Last name, Firstname.]
Age: 18.
Birthday: May 18,1985.
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan.
Gender: Femme.
Astro sign: Taurus.
Chinese Zodiac: Ox.
Hair color: currently Red and Purple.
Eye Color: Green.
Height: 5'3
Personality: Tachi isn't the happy-go-lucky character that her S.O.,
Ichirou is. Tachi is far more serious than her
counterpart but that doesn't mean that she can't let loose and have fun just
like he does. Tachiana is a strong female in both mind and body. She takes
her sword-practice seriously enough to wake up early and begin practice..
at least until called upon by Ichirou. Some may wonder why on earth Tachi
is shacked up with Ichirou as it seems that he can annoy her to know end..
but what S.O. can't at some point?
Interests: All we have learned thus far is that Tachiana likes Kendo
and Ichirou. We do know that she does not take being defeated by a pack of
Ninja Squirrels very lightly.
Weapon: Generally Tachi uses a wooden practice sword but was later
given a REAL sword and has yet to put it to good use. We did see that Tachiana
wasn't too happy about being given that sword either.
Character Deisgn Information: Tachiana is the embodiment of my favorite
kind of female character. Tachi is smart, strong, serious and yet knows how
to have fun all at the same time. While I love Sailor Moon as a series I just
can not stand Usagi. I like her, but she is sometimes just unbearable. Dumb
characters like that are over played a lot. Strong characters like Tachi are
also over played a lot. I also extremely favor red-haired, green-eyed women.
Red hair symbolizes firey temper and fiestyness which Tachi embodies as well.
Green eyes aren't a common thing. I see more people with blue eyes these days
than with green. I, myself, have blue eyes but I think I'd prefer green. Red
hair and green eyes are a combination that fit well together--especially an
emerald green though Tachi's eyes are not so. In the beginning of the comic
you will notice that Tachi's eyes were Blue one page and Green the next. I
was undecided on what color I should use and at the time, SNM was being submitted
to Deviant Art. So I would ask people
to tell me which they preferred. It seems most preferred what I preferred--the
green. So Green it was.
Tachi's Hair--the purple and blue that started at the beginning--It was all my sister's idea. Before the idea to do SNM was finalized, I'd done a preliminary picture sketching Tachiana and Ichirou together. I then traced it off onto illustration board and colored it with my prisma pencils and with watercolor in the Background. During the colorage, I asked what color Tachi's hair should be and my sister came up with the purple-blue-purple that i used in the very beginning. Well if you didn't know, purple-blue-purple tends to get a bit redundant and annoying to color, so later I just shortened it all to purple and even accidentally made a few pages where Tachi's hair was solely RED! That was an accident though I had contemplated doing it previously. But as you can see, Tachi's hair is till Purple and Red. Tachi is designed to be an ever-changing character in her appearance. Unlike most Anime character's, her outfits and hair styles will change frequently to give a bit more realisticness to a completely unreal story.
Ninja Monkeys is Copywrited to Spiffy
Mai @ Spifftacular. Layout designed by Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular. Super Ninja Monkeys is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. |