Super Ninja Monkeys by Spiffy Mai

Super Ninja Monkeys by Spiffy Mai


Name: No real name. We just call him the Squirrel Leader.
[Names are in Japanese format. Last name, Firstname.]
Age: Unknown.
Birthday: Unknown..
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan.
Gender: Male.
Astro sign: Unknown.
Chinese Zodiac: Unknown.
Hair color: Greyish Blue..
Eye Color: Yellow.
Height: 2' upright.

Personality: Bastard. He's a selfish little wanker and demanding as hell. He's also arrogant and thinks that the Ninja Squirrels can stomp the much bigger Ninja Monkeys.

Interests: Something to do with Tachi and Ichirou.
Weapon: He carries a little fan around..

Character Deisgn Information: Originally, the SNS's weren't going to be in the story.. but I had to have SOMETHING to tie everything together and since my sister was dating this guy at the time who just happened to be the best friend of my b/f at the time.. the idea just kinda came together. You see I refer to myself as the Goddess of Spiffyness, in which my b/f at the time referred to himself as Lord Dion.. and his friend, my sister's now ex b/f, referred to himself as the God of All Squirrels..And my sister thusly the Goddess of Nekkidness. So it was all a big Divine thing and the Squirrel thing just fit. Her boyfriend, christopher, actually found this site by chance after she broke up with him and made conversation with me about the squirrels! Lol, it was funny.


Super Ninja Monkeys is Copywrited to Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular.
Layout designed by Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular.
Super Ninja Monkeys is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.