Name: Skyler
[Names are in Japanese format. Last name, Firstname.]
Age: 18.
Birthday: June 22, 1985.
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan.
Gender: Male.
Astro sign: Cancer.
Chinese Zodiac: Ox.
Hair color: Brown.
Eye Color: Black.
Height: 5'6 when upright.
Personality: If your a good reader and have kept up with the story
thus far, you will see that Skyler is a bit of a trickster. He delights in
scarying people and gets his jollies that way. He seems very michevious to
me and I take it that he loves to fight. He seems a bit cocky and arrogant,
what with the way he challenged those squirrels.
Interests: The only apparant interest we've been able to discern
is his love of pranking and fighting.
Weapon: We have noticed that Skyler knows how to use Kunai. I'm
sure that we can thusly assume that he can use Shuriken and other Ninja weapons.
Character Deisgn Information: I like Skyler a lot. His name originated
from a guy that i knew in my votech class. A real dork on the outside but
a very mischevious person. This is where the basis of Skyler came from. Skyler
in SNM is a whole lot cooler than Skyler from Votech. Skyler in SNM also looks
a lot different than the other Skyler. Every comic, manga, etc. has to have
their comedic relief.. weather its a serious comic or even a comic-comic.
Ther is always the one that delivers the punchline or the one that is the
most funny. While everyone in SNM has their own share of funny moments and
surprise, I think that Skyler takes the cake.. or WILL take the cake in future
comics now that we are more acquainted with the actual Monkey side of things.
Ninja Monkeys is Copywrited to Spiffy
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