Name: Sasha.
[Names are in Japanese format. Last name, Firstname.]
Age: 18.
Birthday: September 1, 1985.
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan.
Gender: Femme.
Astro sign: Virgo.
Chinese Zodiac: Ox.
Hair color: Brown.
Eye Color: Brown.
Height: 5'3.
Personality: She's a bitch. She doesn't like to take orders from
anyone, I suspect, but I think that she makes a point not to take orders from
Interests: Unknown.
Weapon: Unknown.
Character Deisgn Information: Sasha's design was pretty much based
on the fact that I didn't want to have an all-male SNM cast. Her outfit was
designed based off of Mai Shiranui and Kasumi of DOA. Both of which are Kunoichi's
with similar outfits and so I chose that style. The hair is pulled back into
a high ponytail, just like theirs. .
Ninja Monkeys is Copywrited to Spiffy
Mai @ Spifftacular. Layout designed by Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular. Super Ninja Monkeys is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. |