Super Ninja Monkeys by Spiffy Mai

Super Ninja Monkeys by Spiffy Mai


Name: Unknown. Referred to as 'Elder' by myself.
[Names are in Japanese format. Last name, Firstname.]
Age: Unknown, though he's obviously a geezer.
Birthday: Unknown.
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan.
Gender: Male.
Astro sign: Unknown.
Chinese Zodiac: Unknown.
Hair color: Grey & Brown.
Eye Color: Brown.
Height: 5'7.

Personality: He's an elder so we can speculate that he's the wise consult of the Leader of the SNM Clan. He was alive from the beginning.

Interests: Unknown.
Weapon: Unknown. He does, however, have an aura. We can thusly speculate that he can use Ki.

Character Deisgn Information: Every clan has to have the wise elder. Nothing other than that idea influenced his character unless you count Cain of Diablo and Diablo II. .


Super Ninja Monkeys is Copywrited to Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular.
Layout designed by Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular.
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