Super Ninja Monkeys by Spiffy Mai


Super Ninja Monkeys by Spiffy Mai


This is the more dirty Xmas '04 picture that I did.. this one featuring the humans. I personally think putting the monkeys in a position like this would be.. gross.. but maybe one of these days... XD

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Quit my job. Yep. No more Subway Sandwhich Artist for me. So now I have a bit more time to stay and play and what not. That being the case, you'll notice three pages that hadn't been up before..Yay, huh? I've also done three art projects in Photoshop/PSP since then, which I'm incredibly grateful for because with everything that I was doing, I didn't have any time to do any art! Not for a long time and it kinda became boring.

Now, on the SNM side of things, January 3rd will be the one year anni of my first page of SNM thrown on here. One year and still no readers, LOL! Well I guess everyone has to start small, huh?

X___The Almighty Goddess of Spiffyness

Thank you for peeking!

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Super Ninja Monkeys is Copywrited to Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular.
Layout designed by Spiffy Mai @ Spifftacular.
Super Ninja Monkeys is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.